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This moment at sunset, when Sun Swirls... playing with clouds, water, sand... The Sea dances with the Sun relecting amazing colours in the Sky... Light fusing with shades of blues, purples, pinks, oranges, yellowsubmarines...

Oh, how can LIFE be so beautiful !? ahaaa

What a Vibe !

Bring the sea to you, bring this perfect moment inside your heart as much as you can, observe this dreamylike and REAL vision, let yourself bathe in it, immerse yourself and You become a dance of light...


I bow to the Divine in you, in me , in Nature, in the Universe...




When the Sun Swirls...


    20x20cm / 7.8x7.8"

    I prepare all my canvasses myself with a good quality linen fabric protected by a few layers of Totin glue, which is how the old masters were preparing their paintings through the centuries. These are natural products and by doing so, the process is ecological and we respect the planet.

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