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Carte de Visite

7 Feb 2025

EXPO Collective
300 Artistes bruxellois

Exposition collective d'artistes bruxellois

Collectieve tentoonstelling van Brusselse kunstenaars

I'm very happy to be part of this beautiful collective exhibition Carte de Visite 2025.

Especially excited because I'll be showing you three paintings you've never seen live...

My last long awaited Mr Fox that has not been exhibited yet.


Color Océano, a really big one, inspired of the Canary Islands started in 2018 and freshly finished in 2025.


And Last but not least, another big one A VOLAR ! That symbolizes the start towards freedom, creation and happiness in Life.


AND I will be showing them in a luminous performance that will reveal some of the paintings secrets...

Don't miss this opportunity to see them in real life as my paintings real colors cannot be seen on a screen, nor printed. As some of you know by now, I create my own paint with special light-reflecting pigments which are seen only in real life. Science must still evolve to reproduce some color effects...or not... real experience is the must !

SO, Come and see my last and freshly painted paintings 💛


PS: I think there will be a vote, so... Vote for me ! I'm counting on you 😋



07/02 - 18:00 > 22:00


08/02 - 11:00 > 19:00

09/02 - 11:00 > 18:00



Rue de l’Écuyer 50

1000 Bruxelles

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